Beer Food Work

Company party… with added sickness

Woke up yesterday with the beginnings of a head cold; stuffy head, slightly sore throat, etc. After work Kelly and I stopped by a friend's birthday shindig at Zaytoon, but bowed out early and by 9:30pm I was in bed (which, as many of you know, is practically unheard of).

I woke up at about 7:00am this morning, feeling worse than I did yesterday, so I decided not to go into the office in the morning. However, I had to go at some point because SuperSweetCo was throwing a 'launch party' to celebrate all the new product releases, so I arrived at the office at 11:00am, checked emails and cleaned up my computer a bit before heading over to the Rock Bottom Brewery at noon. We had the upper floor rented out (which has 4 or 5 pool tables) from noon until about 5pm, catered with very delicious foods (club sandwiches, white cheddar mashed potatoes, green beans, salmon, and a chicken pasta dish) and of course, beer. I got to play a few games of pool, and after most people disappeared either back to the office or home, the few of us who were left played some darts. At about 5:30pm I went back to the office to collect my things, with just enough of a beer 'buzz' that I was able to forget my symptoms and move on to the next thing.

Kelly and I had made plans with our friends J & J to go to dinner at the Goose Hollow Inn, old stomping grounds for Kelly and I, which we hadn't been too in quite some time. Had a delicious dinner (their famous reuben sandwich) and a couple pints of Guinness before heading home at around 9:45pm. Hope this cold thing runs its course quickly. Already I think we're going to have to cancel plans with Mr. & Mrs. Ghost Dog tomorrow. Urgh. 

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