
London Report 1 – Sound as a pound

Kelly and I have made it to London and are in our hotel. I found an open WiFi connection from my room (if I sit in the right place). We got up at 8am in Portland, finished packing and getting ready, and by noon we were on our way to Kelly's sisters house. We made good time (just over an hour and a half to get a little north of Olympia) and had a good hour to sit and chat. We arrived at the airport at about 4pm, finished getting checked in and waited.

We were flying on a 747, which was the first time I'd ever been on a plane that big. We had checked in online and got the last couple seats on the back right so we could recline without feeling rude. The flight was very nice. The service, food, etc, were all better than what we're used to flying Continental. Also, the seatback entertainment system was great, each one was served up with loads of content (probably 50 movies, loads of TV shows, documentaries, etc), and all of it you could pause, rewind and fastforward through. Pretty slick system. Didn't watch any movies but did watch a lot of TV shows, including some Little Britain. 🙂 

For the first time, I dozed off on the plane a bit. Probably slept a total of 3 hours, but it was more than I'd ever slept on a flight before. Between the sleep and the 8 hour 45 minute flight, it was really pretty quick. Got on the underground (aka 'the tube') and made our way to the station nearest our hotel… got oriented, and here we are. 🙂

I don't really have much for photos yet, nothing really exciting anyway, so I'll save the for later on. However, we're going to finish unpacking and go get ourselves a pint! 🙂 

4 replies on “London Report 1 – Sound as a pound”

Just checked out your pics, and I’d forgotten that you were flying British Airways. British Airways, as Ghost Dog pointed out, is INDEED the dogs bollocks. From this point forward, I think they be referred to as ‘SuperSweet Airlines’.

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