
An update on Max

It figures that within an hour of sending the writing last night that we’d get some bummer news, here’s an update. As I mentioned in the previous post, Mighty Max was having some minor breathing troubles since he was born, and the precautionary x-ray that was taken turned up what’s called a diaphragmatic hernia. Basically some of his intestines have formed/squeezed through the diaphragm (which separates your lungs and heart from your stomach and intestines) and are interfering with his left lung. This news surprised everyone since his vitals are so strong and he’s otherwise perfectly healthy.

This resulted in us all being transferred to Legacy Emanuel last night around 8pm and Max is in the Neonatal Infant Care Unit (NICU). He’s doing fine (hooked up to tubes and wires), but he will likely go into surgery within a few days (there are some ultrasounds scheduled for later today). Afterward he’ll end up staying here at the hospital for 3 – 4 weeks before he can come home with us. This will depend on how well he does after surgery and how well he eats/process food afterward.

This shit sucks (especially after the already unplanned c-section), however he’s in the right place (this hospital performs many of these surgeries, and newborns have even been flown down from Alaska for the surgery here), and while it means a delay before he can come home with us, his chances of a full recovery are good.

We’ll be in the hospital through Thursday and then Kelly will be released. After that we’ll be here visiting every day until we can take the little man home with us.

Thanks for all your thoughts and support.  I’ll keep you updated.

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