Happy "intellectually-challenged people burn shit up and kill people" day. Ugh.
I played tech support / web nerd for some friends earlier this week. On Monday I helped my friend Jenn get an old laptop onto her home WiFi connection so she could stream music to her basement. She paid me plenty with beer and some BBQ’d meat though, so it was far from a chore. On Tuesday I met Snooks at Kennedy School and helped him sort out his troubles with his new hosting service (mis-configured DNS entries for the domain name) and helped him get WordPress (the blog software I use) installed and set up. I then did some basic training on how things work, how to tweak the themes, etc. I also had too much beer, since the following day (4th of July) off, so by the end I’m sure I wasn’t much help.
On Wednesday Kelly and I slept in a bit, and then I got up and took care of some computer tasks and sipped on coffee for a bit. Later we ran to the local grocery store and then went to a nearby friends BBQ. Had a good time, though I was pretty tired from the heat. It was about 90 degrees here, and I tend to get tired and cranky when it’s warmer than 75. Had a good time though, there was a sprinkler running, which I stood in frequently to keep cool, and later we were treated to many many large and very illegal fireworks from nearby houses. Some were quite impressive (those that start with the telltale thump, and then a very loud bang as bits of magnesium, carbon, phosphorus, and other elements spread out in large colorful bursts. While on one hand I enjoy them, the other hand recognizes why these large fireworks (and even smaller cousins, bottlerockets) are illegal here… so much can go wrong, especially when it’s been so hot and dry. I at one point ran home and watered the lawn for a while to be extra careful, just in case a random bit of burning material landed in my dry lawn. Anyway, I ate too much delicious food, and then came home to watch a bit of TV before going to bed to start the work day. Well, because of the holiday, the morons were out lighting firecrackers until well past 1am (I think I finally fell asleep somewhere around 2am). Urgh. Stupid 4th of July. 🙂
3 replies on “Tech supporter, and Independance Day”
Oh, and I click “publish” on this post and hear the idjits lighting off fireworks down the street again. This crap will last all month. *sigh*
Yep. Did it start early in your neighborhood as well? This year, they got going later than previous years, but it was still well in advance of the actual holiday that we started hearing the popping and crackling of exploding stuff.
yes, I’ve been hearing the fireworks off and on for a couple weeks, but yesterday they started a bit later (giving me false hope they wouldn’t start at all), but once the maroons got going, they kept it going all night long. Urgh.