Today Kelly and I went back to Kennedy School a little past noon to catch the 1pm show of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was good, though seeings how I’m currently about 100 pages from re-reading the book (and no, I haven’t read books 6 or 7 yet) I was a bit annoyed at all the differences between the book and the film. I understand why most of the changes were made, I mean, the book is 850+ pages, and in order to really capture it properly the movie would have been 5 hours long. However, it was so badly truncated in spots, and whole character sub-plots were cut out that it made it feel like it was somewhat hollowed out. It was still good, just not as true to the book as the other four films have been. Oh well.
We got home and watched more Heroes. Such a fantastic show. I’m going to be sad when I’m caught up and go from DVD marathons to waiting week to week for new episodes.