Beer Food Work

Lazy day, Goose night

Today I had all kinds of plans to get outside and get something done in the yard. However, none of that worked out, as I ended up spending (wasting?) my day at the computer, browsing music, playing games, and generally not getting much done.

Tonight Kelly and I went to the Goose Hollow Inn to have dinner with some friends. On our way we visited one of my coworker’s for a little bit (who was having a small BBQ gathering). We had a fun time even though we were only there for about an hour… the Goose and their delicious sandwiches beckoned.

The friends we were meeting had never been to the Goose before, so the evening was largely planned due to my raving about their reuben sandwich. Had a fantastic time, and our friends were soon praising the Goose reuben as well. I think I won the Goose a couple more converts. Amen! Goose Hollow reuben be praised!


The vault at my new offices

I’ve already mentioned how my work moved to a new office (near the deliciously evil Kenny & Zuke’s, and Powell’s Books), but what I don’t think I mentioned is that the building was the former location of a federal reserve bank (a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). The building is big, and SuperSweetCo will, once the build-out is completed, have 3 floors (two standard floors and a penthouse with some outdoor patio space). One cool bonus though was something I saw a couple months back on a tour of the building, only at the time I didn’t have my camera with me. The basement level has this massive vault, the kind of thing you’d typically only ever see in movies. Last Friday I had my camera with me so I snapped a few photos.

In the process of taking this shot, I had to unhook the door from the wall and swing it out a bit, and that got a little scary for a moment. The door, being so massive, didn’t want to budge, so I had to put all my weight into it to move it. However once it got going, I suddenly realized that it wasn’t going to stop, so I had to dig my heels in and pull with all I could to stop it before it swung closed, crushing the ventilation that has been added into the door frame over the past month or two. I got a couple more photos of it so you can see the how thick the door is, and what the inside of the door looks when it’s fully opened and latched to the wall. Pretty effin’ cool.

I think my employers should arrange my office inside the vault, complete with banks of levers, buttons, little blinking lights, absorption wavemeters, tesla coils, assorted chemistry equipment (things that smoke and bubble are a must), and dark spooky music. My mad/brilliant scientist dream would be complete. “We must now descend to the vaults, and see what Doktor Designer has stumbed upon.”


By command of Snooks

Me See Snooks post.

Now, the instructions

Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes. Don’t fix your hair. Just take a picture.
Post that picture with no editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

So here you have it.

Movies Television

Hancock and Three Sheets

After last night’s successful Quest (for the Holy Grail), this afternoon Kelly and I decided to get out of our un-air conditioned house and head to the McMenamins Bagdad Theater and watch Hancock. It was a pretty fun popcorn flick, and better than either of us expected. It had it’s weak points, but all-in-all it was a fun superhero movie to pass the time with.

Oh, and earlier today I hooked my laptop up to my TV and watched some Three Sheets streaming from What a great show. So far I’ve only seen the Belgium, Ireland, Wales, and Munich episodes, but watching a guy go around drinking is oddly therapeutic. He’s become my hero. I want his job.


Work week recap, and some Holy Grail action

This past week was my first in the SuperSweetCo’s new office building (mentioned here). It’s a very nice building, and the location (while further away from mass transit and whatnot) is cool. Been to Kenny & Zuke’s now twice, and already I need to put a stop to that as it’s both expensive to both the pocketbook and the waistline. I have, however, combatted it a bit with some walks through the Pearl District and up into the west hills… some old territory I used to walk daily when I was at my previous job. It’s a really good walk/workout, a lot moreso than the flat waterfront’s 3 miles I’m used to. So I probably worked off, oh, half of one of the pastrami reuben sandwiches from Kenny & Zuke’s. heh.

Spent some time today doing yard work again. The back yard is still looking relatively decent for this late in the summer (meaning, the lawn is still mostly green, and the plants are fairly well pruned). Sitting here now with a nice Belgian blonde ale from Val-Dieu. It’s very delicious on such a warm day.

Tonight Mr. & Mrs. Ghost Dog are joining Miranda & Brian for some hot wings at Fire on the Mountain, and then catching Monty Python and the Holy Grail at Laurelhurst Theater. Hooray! There will be peril. And knnnnigits. Ni!