Beer Entertainment Food Movies

The Golden Compass

Following my previous post, Kelly and I just saw The Golden Compass at Kennedy School. Well, Kelly had already seen it, but wanted to see it again with me since I’d just finished reading the book.

I enjoyed the film, despite how different it was from the book. There were some things that did bother me; first, the switcheroo they did with Bolvanger and Iorek’s big fight, and second, the fact that they didn’t finish the film with the cliffhanger ending the book had. I suspect they changed things with the assumption that they would reveal those events in the sequel. In fact, I suspect they altered the order of events knowing they weren’t going to wrap things up the same way the book did, and the Bolvanger fight made for a more climactic ending. The film was, however, true enough to the book that even though the order of events (and some of the story) had been altered, it wasn’t disruptive. The casting choices, sets, costumes, and visual style all fit what I saw in my head while reading the book. If anything I was surprised rather than annoyed at the differences.

In the end, I enjoyed The Golden Compass, and I hope the last two books get made. It was no Lord of the Rings, but it was good, and better than 99% of what’s pumped out of Hollywood year after year.

After the movie we suck around Kennedy School for another hour or so, had another beer and some pizza and discussed the movie before heading back home.

Beer Movies Work

Weekend Update

Good weekend so far (now that it’s almost over). Kelly made it back Friday, about mid-morning. We met up at Rose & Thistle after I got off work and had a couple pints and caught up on each other’s week. Afterward we left and buzzed up to Moon & Sixpence, Kelly wanted a particular beer (Hale’s Cream Ale) which I swore they had, but was mistaken. We stayed anyway, and I was glad we did… they now have (and it may be a regular beer, apparently) Old Speckled Hen! It’s a beer I have whenever I go to Horse Brass, and I had loads of it on our last trip to London. Had a couple pints of it and some food before we went home. Kelly was exhausted as she didn’t sleep well while at her sister’s place.

Saturday we went out to my folks place for a belated birthday dinner for my kid bro (Happy Birthday C!). We both ate WAY too much, but it was all good. Got home early (around 9:30) and decided to stay in. We both ended up dozing off in the living room watching Psych off of our DVR.

Slept until 10am today, surfed the web for a bit and then played a few hours of Call of Duty 4. Now I’m at Kennedy School (Kelly just met me here after working out) and we’re going to go see The Golden Compass at the theater here (can’t beat a $3.00 movie, and beer, and pizza). I just finished reading the book last week, so the timing of it coming to Kennedy School couldn’t be better. Might write something about it afterwards.

Beer Entertainment Work

Tun night, Work day

Yesterday afternoon (about 3:30) the development team at SuperSweetCo were treated to a couple hours at Ground Kontrol (yes, on top of the dinner thing last night). Pretty fun, though I wasn’t fully in the mood to leave the office when we did, as I was getting work done and had a lot more to do. That said, I got to play some Discs of Tron, some fun sit-down car racing games, and some old Star Trek and Doctor Who pinball machines.

After leaving the arcade I hopped a bus to meet my friend Miranda at Mash Tun. I arrived early and surfed a bit (free wifi, hooray!) and had a pint of the Tun’s delicious Watership Brown ales before Miranda arrived. Later we were joined by my friends (and ex-coworkers) Jenn and Lara & Todd. Had a fun time out, and it was good to catch up. Jenn mentions the night here.

Today was a busy but productive work day. Worked until about 6:30pm before catching my bus home. Kelly’s still up north helping her sister after her surgery, so I’m kind of ‘hanging out’ on my own. Just me and the cat. Chillin.

Beer Food General Work

Fancy work dinner thing

After work today the development team at SuperSweetCo were taken out to this fancy tapas restaurant Toro Bravo (menu here) for dinner & drinks to celebrate both the hard work by the team over the past few weeks, as well as to spend time with everybody from the team who now span several countries and were all in town for the week. The food was very good, however it was a fairly spendy spot I’m not likely to frequent (I tend to like places with simpler, less expensive fare and a good selection of beer on tap). I did have a really good time though, and the crab cake things were really fantastic. If only they had more than Pilsner Urquell on tap.

Entertainment Movies Television


Today Kelly and I went to see Cloverfield. It was good, though be sure to bring motion-sickness pills. And maybe ibuprofen. I think I will enjoy watching it again on a smaller screen, but even with the constant shaking camera, it was a good movie.

Today I also watched this interesting History Channel show “Life After People‘, which followed nature’s resurgence if, hypothetically, every human vanished tomorrow. The CG wasn’t movie quality, but it was still pretty cool.