
Well, they went and renamed my street

About mid-day, Portland City Council, in all their glorious political-correctness, voted unanimously voted in favor of the rename of East 39th to Cesar Chavez.

Despite overwhelming opposition, they apparently felt that going against the wishes of Portland residents (and specifically those who live or have businesses on 39th) was better for the “public good” than rejecting the proposal and working towards finding a solution that might have accomodated both sides of the issue.

I can’t begin to say how disappointed and frustrated I am.

And, I feel sad for both Cesar Chavez, to have posthumously landed in such a heated battle (one that I doubt he would have himself supported; I suspect he’d have worked WITH opposition rather than against them), and and am worried about the potential backlash that might result.

Oh, and I feel sorry for the commitee that fought for the rename, to have finally won (after years of failed attempts), but have gotten the slimmest of pickings. Nothing says honor quite like a street that contains sections of gravel and potholes. Like the one in front of my house. Way to go!

Beer Politics

Last night smoking at the pub

Tonight I met my brothers and my friend Snooks at my favorite pub, Moon & Sixpence, for what will be my last chance smoking inside. Last night I met Snooks at Kennedy School, tonight it’s Moon. It’s my ‘farewell tour’.

The photo pretty much sums up how I feel about the situation.

Ever since the law passed (a year and a half ago) I’ve been a little angry about it. Not just because of the smoking ban itself, but because of how it was passed and the hypocrisy of a giant, gaping loophole.

The law was passed by the Oregon legislature, and wasn’t put to a public vote. Those kinds of laws always piss me off a little anyway, just on principle. It’s not that a proposal to ban smoking in bars wouldn’t have passed (however the failed proposal to increase cigarette taxes just six months prior makes me think that even non-smokers aren’t vote-zombies when it comes to anything related to smoking), it probably would have passed. However, what would have certainly raised some questions has been my biggest issue with this bullshit law: cigar bars are exempt. Apparently, the vast amounts of smoke; the strong, musty, thick plumes of particles that are pumped out of cigars, are NOT harmful to Oregon bar employees. Nope. Nosirree.

At one point I asked an employee of one of Kennedy School’s bars (that tomorrow will be a cigar bar) if cigarettes will be allowed. He said no, and that he’d be responsible for playing bad cop and telling smokers to put out their cigarettes, while others continued to puff away on their cigars. If that doesn’t make you ardent anti-smokers angry, it fucking well should.

This new law was trotted out as a big, happy, “flowers and puppies” public health win, Oregon bar workers no longer had to suffer at their chosen place (and line) of work.  But apparently their health is only a top concern as long as they don’t work in the kinds of places that rich, white politician-types like to frequent. You know, a place where they can suck on a big fat turd and drink whiskey. In that case, Oregon bar workers, fill up them lungs with cigar smoke and deal. What’s worse, is that most articles about the ban forget to mention this exemption. Interesting omission.

Public vote or not, there would always be part of a ban like this that I will never agree with, the state is taking business decisions out of business owners hands. Last Sunday’s Oregonian front-page article about the ban says, and I quote “Oregon officials tout that most bars and restaurants already ban smoking.” This tells me that the system has been working exactly like it should. If business owners realize that they can make more money by catering to smokers/non-smokers, they run their business accordingly. Regarding workplace safety, obviously (as I mentioned above) that only counts if you aren’t stepping on the vices of those who pass laws. Besides, not all bar employees are happy about it either. I’ve asked employees at the places I frequent, and while a few were looking forward to it, most others weren’t. Some said it all came down to choice. Several of the workers I spoke to over the year were also smokers, and chose to work in a smoking establishment. To quote Leisa Vierling from the Oregonian article, “it should be a choice where we want to work”. Amen.

I never went into coal mining, or logging, or deep-sea fishing because I deemed it too dangerous. I don’t drink and drive because it’s too dangerous (and stupid). Hell, I don’t drink hard liquor because for me, it’s dangerous. It’s all part of being a grown-up. It’s called making choices. I choose to smoke. I know it’s bad for me, no smoker has any illusion about that. But I enjoy it, and I especially enjoy a smoke when I’m having a beer or two. Hell, even non-smokers enjoy the occasional smoke when drinking. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had non-smokers (even those who’d give me shit about my smoking) bum a smoke from me after they’ve had a few. Bar owners know that people smoke when they drink. For some bar owners, there’s significant financial incentive to allow smoking in their establishments. And now, they can’t make that choice. It’s been made for them.

I wish bars and taverns luck. Non-smokers already had options, and unless there’s a whole army of non-smokers who’d never gone out before the ban, and they suddenly come sweeping into your now-smoke-free establishments, things could get tight.

Given the current economic climate, with everybody tightening their purse strings, us smokers were just handed one less reason to go out.

Speaking of which, I need to order another keg. 🙂


Obama Wins!

Barack Hussein Obama is the next President of the United States of America! I’m still amazed, honestly. I expected more shenanigans. I expected it to be really close. I expected the ‘good ol’ boy’ network to win again, having used the tactics that they know best; fear, paranoia, and (sadly) even hate. But tonight the voices of the people have spoken. I’m surprised, and very pleased.

The fervor and hate that was whipped up over the past several months kept me from thinking that there could be the landslide there was tonight. That through all the fear and the hate, that someone consistently positive, someone who stands the best chance to heal not only the nation, but the nation’s standing on the world stage, could win, still stuns me. I’m amazed, shocked, and pleased beyond reason. I sincerely hope that it marks a turning point for our country, and for the world.

Beer Entertainment Politics Work

The past week or so…

I keep meaning to post, I really do! I just keep getting distracted and putting it off. Here’s yet another recap of the past week or so…

Tues – Fri
Worked. Lots of meetings, lots of planning, little actual work got done.

Friday night (Halloween)
Kelly and I went to Concordia Ale House for a beer, and then headed over to Kennedy School to witness the Halloween festivities. We arrived just in time to see some little kids all decked out (saw a tiny dinosaur, the kid couldn’t have been more than a year old — looked like a stuffed animal with a small child stuffed inside, very cute). We got pints and went to the front fire pit and watched the adults arrive for the evening party. There were a number of good costumes, including some zombies, 80’s style rockers, a thin and buxom Wonder Woman, a Sarah Palin (the scariest costume all night), and my personal favorite… Cousin Eddie, Christmas Vacation style.

Rest of weekend
Chilled out, watched some TV and movies. Had plans and they fell through so it was a generally lazy weekend. Perfect! One cool thing, my friend Eric sent me the invite code for the Call of Duty: World at War demo, which I downloaded and played for a bit. Awesome and loads of fun, though it did tax my two year old video card. Time to buy another I guess.

Last night
Met Snooks at Horse Brass for a couple beers last night, before returning home to have a salad and doze off on the couch. I think I’m fighting off a flu or something. Urgh.

Worked from home and managed to get a lot of real work done. Hooray!

Tonight (election night)
Trying to ignore the results as they come in. Nothing can be gained by fretting over the numbers as they come in, moving upward and (sadly) closer together. I can only hope. And pray. And wait. In the meantime I’m gonna continue to play with my new shiny iPod Touch. Maybe play some Call of Duty, or Team Fortress 2 (oh yeah, thanks again for gifting that to me, Ghost Dog!).

Beer Movies Politics Work

Weird week, birthdays, and other stuff

This whole week has been a bit odd, somehow. It’s hard to explain, it just has. I’ve been feeling a bit more ‘out of it’ than usual. It might be the sudden change in weather since it’s recently gone from horribly hot to cool and (for a few days) rainy. It might also be that I’m just now recognizing that the days are getting shorter (I’m already missing it being light out until about 10pm). Might have been the strange but oddly fun downtown scavenger hunt my manager organized for SuperSweetCo’s engineering team Tuesday afternoon (part team building exercise, part reward for our hard work getting the latest version of software out the door). Maybe part of it has been the DNC. Dunno. 🙂

Monday night Kelly and I watched Amazing Grace, a historical drama about William Wilberforce, the late 18th to early 19th century British politician, who fought to end Britain’s part in the slave trade. It was a really good movie, with a great cast. Worth watching.

Tuesday afternoon was the aforementioned scavenger hunt. Ran around downtown Portland with iPhones and digital cameras, looking for random clues, performing silly stunts and making asses of ourselves. It was pretty fun overall (despite the embarrassment of some of the stunts).

Yesterday I had a few pints from my keg with Snooks, talking about the DNC (love Snooks latest post, btw), the upcoming Hobbit film(s), and other totally rad nerdy stuff.

Right now I’m at Moon & Sixpence, awaiting my brother (who’s birthday it is today), enjoying a pint of Guinness. Happy birthday Travis!

Tomorrow we go to another birthday thing, this time for my friend Amy. Happy birthday Amy!

Looking forward to the three day weekend. Much yardwork will (hopefully) get done. And much relaxing. I’d love to just spend 3 days at home, doing whatever the heck I want. That’d rock. 🙂