Beer Food Work

Work, work, GOOSE!

Back to the grind today. Sadly, I had a terrible night’s sleep. After going to bed at around 11pm I laid there, wide awake, until nearly 1am. And then woke up frequently throughout the night. I probably got about 4 hours of sleep before my alarm went off. I then promptly cursed the gods (and my alarm).

At work, I spent most of my day in meetings; planning and coordinating the next couple weeks, and looking ahead to the next couple months. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some real work done.

After work I met up with my friend Timmy, visiting from out of town. He and I both share the love of the Goose Hollow Inn reuben sandwich, so we met there to gorge ourselves. I had a couple pints of Guinness, and was pleased to learn that one portion of their patio still (for now, anyway) is allowing smoking, since said area sits just outside of the 10 foot range from the door. I was pleasantly surprised. At least I know I can go there if I want a smoke AND a beer at the same time. Fellow smokers (and reuben lovers) rejoice!

General Work

The dreaded last day of vacation

Well, it’s finally come, my last day of my two weeks off. And as usual, it seems to have flown by faster than seems possible. In that time there’s been a big snow storm, Christmas, and New Years, so it’s been an eventful couple weeks, yet somehow I still feel like I’ve only had a couple days off.

My sadness is made somewhat worse because the next couple weeks at work are going to be pretty stressful (lots to get done, lots to wrap up for the next release, lots to start on for the next release). This probably means I’ll go silent on the blogging again for a bit. It’s nothing personal. 😉

Right now I’m pretending I still have loads of time before tomorrow morning comes around, and chuckling that it’s snowing again.

General Work

Wintry weather, and some well earned vacation

Snow in NE Portland, 2008The past week has been very wintry here in Portland, unusually so. We had snow over last weekend (as Kelly mentioned), some 24 degree days, and again over the past day or two, more snow! I always love the snow, makes the world feel a bit softer somehow. We had more yesterday, a bit of a warming today, and then more snow tonight. I got home to a white neighborhood again. Love it.

Work has kept me insanely busy over the past few weeks, which explains why I’ve been ignoring the blog. I’ve been working late hours (more than a few 1 AM night, and one 16 hour up-til-4 AM code-fest, urgh), trying to get a bunch of feature work done for SuperSweetCo’s upcoming release. The late hours were partially because I really wanted to get something added that wasn’t officially planned for, so the only way to do it was to work late nights. We did a demo today, and the release is really coming together and looking fantastic. Mad props to everybody involved. I’m super excited to see this next version launch in a couple months.

Fortunately (for my sanity) I’ve got the next two weeks off of work. I look forward to lots of sleeping in, gaming (Team Fortress 2 and Call of Duty, here I come!), and generally doing nothing (except the usual holiday season activities). Hopefully I can get some shopping done, finally.

Beer Food Work

Winter brewfest, and Moon

After a few days of very intense and focused work (meetings galore!), today several coworkers and I went to the Portland Holiday Ale Festival at around 3pm to sample some tasty, malty, and strong holiday ales. The Santa Baby Stout from McMenamins was my favorite, but I sampled a few stronger, smokey stouts that were also pretty darned good.

I was going to go to dinner with my coworkers at Clyde Common, which I hear is fantastic, but I had a prior engagement with my brother T at Moon & Sixpence to have a few more beers and some dinner. I hope to go to Clyde Common soon, however. A coworker says that even their burger is fantastic, and well worth a visit. Fortunately it’s right up the street from my office.

Entertainment Food Movies Work

Weekend recap

Saturday after Kelly got home we had a night in (as poor Kelly was exhausted from partying ’til the break of dawn). So I went to the local Thai place and picked up some dinner, and then we watched some television before Kelly went to bed.

Yesterday we went over to our neighbors to get the details on what we need to do to watch their dog next weekend while they’re out of town. We even went to the local park and played a bit with all the other neighborhood dogs before going to Concordia Ale House for dinner. Oh, I also played quite a bit of Team Fortress 2 yesterday. Hooray!

Last night we watched a couple movies. First was the rom-com Blind Dating, which was my first exposure to the upcoming Captain Kirk actor Christopher Pine, who was actually pretty good despite the relatively cheesy flick. It also got me even more excited for the upcoming Star Trek film. After that we watched the British gangster flick Layer Cake, which I’d seen on a plane w/o Kelly and had forgotten how good it was.

Back to work today. I think I’m coming down with something, or fighting something off at least. I felt exhausted all day, with a tiny bit of a stuffy head and sore throat. I think I’m just going to continue to ignore it, and hope it goes away without direct intervention on my part. Stupid fall.