After the camping trip, I took Monday off, and spent the day doing a lot of yard work, and feeling a bit of a sore throat coming on (something I was ignoring while camping). Still feeling questionable.
Tuesday night Kelly and I watched Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, based on a the novel by Patrick Süskind which I’d read about a decade ago. I liked the movie quite a bit, and while it had been a long time since I’d read the book and had forgotten a lot of it, some of it came back to me immediately, and was done in a way that was pretty much exactly how I’d pictured it while reading the book. It was both beautiful, disturbing, and sad, but well done.
And finally, last night Kelly and I went to see The Dark Knight, which was excellent, and as everyone has been saying Heath Ledger really stole the show and was absolutely fantastic. I really enjoyed the premise that society is so fragile that it doesn’t take much for people to throw out all their civilized ways and become the animals we are all capable of being. Just a great story, and really really well done. Go see it if you haven’t.