The past couple days in Portland have been very hot. 100 degrees or so. Either way it’s been about 20 degrees above my comfort level. And again, as usual, I’m kicking myself for not having bought some kind of air conditioning unit for my house. Granted, these super hot days don’t last long, and there aren’t that many of them in a given summer, but as always it means I’m not sleeping well, and just feel generally exhausted. Bleh.
At around 5pm Kelly and I went to the Goose Hollow Inn for dinner with friends. They have air conditioning. Combine that with their delicious sandwiches and it was bound to be a good night out. Now I’m full, tired, AND warm. Hooray!
In other news, spent most of my day inside (fan pointed my direction) working. Finally getting caught up on stuff I didn’t seem to have time for all week. Hope NOT to work tomorrow, but who knows, I’m feeling a bit inspired (finally).