
Update 4 – Max on the mend

It’s been 3 days since the surgery, and Max is doing really well.

Yesterday he had the breathing tube and the stomach suction tube removed from his mouth/throat, and also had two of his four IV’s removed. We went to hang out with him twice yesterday (New Years Eve), the first time he was still pretty well sedated, but the second time in the evening he was awake and Kelly was able to hold him for a little bit. It was so nice to see his eyes again for the first time since the night before the surgery. One thing they added between the two visits was a feeding tube (run through his nose) since they were pretty sure they’d be introducing food (his momma’s milk) into his empty tummy soon.

Today was even better. Not only did they feed him, but they did it via a bottle and removed the tube in his nose! He ate a few times today and has been keeping it down. This is very good news; it’s normal for any baby to have some reflux issues, but it’s typically worse for infants who’ve undergone surgery like Max has. He’s taking small portions (5 milliliters  every three hours), and they are going to try to up the portion size overnight and into tomorrow.

While naturally we’re elated, we must also remain a bit cautious since he needs to be able to eat well consistently, gain some healthy weight (while at the same time losing some of his puffy/swollen weight from the surgery, IV’s, etc), and they need to watch his intestines carefully. The surgery basically pushed his intestines down into place, and they will hopefully stay in the right/correct position while he digests his food. He’s also pass this food out the other end to ensure everything is operating as it should. This will hopefully be a quick process, but this is what might take weeks before they’ll let him come home with us.

All in all however, he’s recovering quicker than we’d been prepared for. They weren’t expecting to remove the tubes, be reducing his morphine dosages, and feeding him until tomorrow or Monday at the earliest. It’s only a couple days early, but it’s making us feel so much better.

Today we both spent an hour holding the little man. He was awake and squirmy the whole time, but not fussy and just looking around and waving his arms all over the place. Such a huge improvement, and such a big relief.

For those who want to know what he looked like on Thursday afternoon (and you’re not squeamish) take a look at Mighty Max with his tubes and battle scars.

Thanks yet again for all your support and kind words over the past week. It has been and continues to be a huge help for Kelly and I.

Oh yeah, and Happy New Year!

4 replies on “Update 4 – Max on the mend”

Congratulations to all three of you! We’re glad to hear that Max is doing well with surgery behind him and that mum is well, too.

Elliot was in Emanuel’s NICU for 3ish weeks… let us know if you’d like to chat or if there is anything we can do to help.

John and Amy: Thanks so much.

Greg: I might hit you up for some support. Would be good for the insight. It’s getting rough having the little man separated from us.

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