Beer Food Work

BBQ & Moon

Company BBQ atop the Ecotrust building Tonight Kelly and I attended my employer’s annual BBQ, held this year at the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center (aka ‘The Ecotrust Building’) in NW Portland. We’d taken the bus into town, not sure what would happen but figuring this way we were safe in case we had too much to drink. That’s right, we’re responsible that way. πŸ™‚ We arrived at 6pm sharp, when the event started, and made our way to the rooftop of the building. Pretty fun spot to have such a gathering, fully catered and hosted, with two kegs of beer (Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale, both from Deschutes Brewery), along with wine and mixed drinks. The food itself was OK, but nothing worth really mentioning. The atmosphere was however really nice. It was a cool day today, and an even cooler evening, but the skies were clear, and the view over the Pearl was great. Had a really fun time chatting with coworkers, and introducing Kelly to a few of my many new coworkers that had been hired over the past few months.

Moon & Sixpence We left the party at around 9pm, walking down to take the MAX train towards home, with a “short” trip to the Moon & Sixpence. We ended up hanging out there for quite a while, chatting about art, travel, and my continued annoyance of how many tourist destinations in Europe don’t allow photography (I’ve determined that it’s all to force you to buy the books that they sell at the gift shops on way out, not about protecting the art / sculptures from the dangers of flash photography like they claim).

After getting home, I got to try a beer I’d bought earlier today from the local grocery store to celebrate Oktoberfest, something from Bayern Brewing (oddly, from Missoula Montana) called Oktoberfest Lager, which wasn’t so much a lager as it was a dark, malty mÀrzen style beer. But it was pretty tasty though.

Beer Food Work

Mash Tun, and Kelly the Chicken Eater

Chicken, your days are numberedAfter one of those “why can’t things go my way?” work days, I went and got a haircut and met Kelly at Mash Tun for some beers.

After that, we went to New Seasons to pick up some dinner. After Kelly’s post regarding her decision to start eating chicken again, we’d picked up a couple parmesan-breaded chicken breasts, figuring we could add some marinara sauce and cheese to make a delicious (and ‘low shock’) meal out of it. Kelly raved the whole way through the meal. It was both funny and odd, seeings how since we’d started dating she has been a vegetarian (well, kinda, as her post explains).

Free-range, hormone-free chickens BEWARE! There’s another mouth to feed! πŸ™‚

Beer Food

Shanghai’d again

Tonight I met my brother Travis, and friends Eric M and Ghost Dog at the Shanghai Tunnel (yes, again) for some pool, grub, and beers after work. My kid bro Chad also showed up, as did Mrs. Ghost Dog and some of her friends later (picking up GD). Had a good time hanging out, though I was a feeling a bit slow, having been out until 1:30am the last night, running on almost 5 hours of sleep. I ended up eating the same noodle bowl I had the last night (yup, it’s that good), and had a Guinness or two too many before hopping the MAX -> bus -> home. Got home just after 11:30pm. So tired. So very, very tired.

Beer Entertainment Food Music

The Tunnel, and Editors

Editors at Berbati's Pan, September 19, 2007Tonight Kelly, Miranda and I went to see Editors play at Berbati’s Pan. We’d started out meeting next door at the Shanghai Tunnel for some drinks and dinner. Kelly and I met there at about 6pm. Miranda joined us shortly after. We had a great time chatting, and I had the delicious noodle bowl (veggies, chicken, and curry sauce) along with a few pints of Guinness. It wasn’t until we’d been there for a little bit when Miranda mentioned that the show didn’t start until 9:30… and there were two opening bands. Obviously this meant it was going to be a late night.

We got into Berbati’s shortly after 9pm and decided not to stand around in the venue the whole time so went through to Berbati’s bar / restaurant area for a bit to sit down. We ended up missing the first opening act, Ra Ra Riot, but went in to catch the crazy, yet fun Biffy Clyro, a loud rock band from Scotland, the singer of whom Miranda commented looked like “a cross between Animal and Charles Manson“. Pretty fair description. They were really good, just not quite what I was expecting as an opening act for Editors.

Editors came onstage at around 11:15pm, and put on a GREAT show. We’d seen them before last year at Dante’s, but this was a much better show. Not only was this show to support their fantastic second album An End Has A Start, so they had more material, but their stage presence had also grown. It was an awesome show.

Beer Food Travel Work

The week ends

Hooray for short work weeks! Aside from continuing to tweak my home network & server setup, the week was pretty fun. I got to design and work on some pretty fun stuff for SuperSweetCo, and on Wednesday evening I (and some other neighborhood friends) visited Miranda & Brian at their new place. I had a great time hanging out in their yard, even if it meant we were keeping them from unpacking. πŸ™‚

Last night Kelly and I went to the Mash Tun for a pint and some grub. Had a nice time chatting and hanging out.

This morning, however, I woke up feeling a bit wobbly in the stomach, so decided it best if I worked from home. That said, I managed to get a lot done and by the afternoon I felt fine. Not sure if it was the food at the Tun the previous night (which I doubt, since I’ve had their food many, many times) or the sickness that seems to be spreading around the office for the past week or two, but whatever, all I can say is that I’m no longer ill. Hooray!

After the working hours, I grabbed a beer and moved from my home office to the back yard. I’m determined to make the most out of what’s left of the summer in my back yard, before it’s too late. I sat out and tinkered for a bit on the laptop, set out the sprinklers, and chatted with friends. A bit later, I got to IM’ing with a coworker who was going to dinner down the street from me (to the Concordia Ale House). While I had already decided to stay in for the night, it was nice to spend some time with my coworker/friend and his better half. After two pints of Hobgoblin and one pint of Terminal Gravity Extra Special Golden, I walked back home and chatted with Kelly a bit about her night at class, and her upcoming day.

Oh, and in case you haven’t read it, Kelly posted about her trip to New York / Jersey last week. Read it, and be jealous (like I was). πŸ™‚