
Rant: Some joker is trying to sue Apple for hearing loss

So some joker is trying to sue Apple over the possibility of hearing loss due to the iPod. I emphasized possibility because he isn’t claiming he suffered hearing loss himself from using an iPod. He’s simply claiming that the decible level is such that one could suffer hearing loss, and thus the iPod is a defective product.

Let’s put aside the fact that the iPod’s user manual clearly states "To avoid hearing damage, set your iPod volume to a safe level. If you experience ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use of your iPod. Warning: Permanent hearing loss may occur if earbuds or headphones are used at high volume. You can adapt over time to a higher volume of sound that may sound normal but can be damaging to your hearing." So, like, listen to things really loud, and uh, it can cause damage. Wow, who knew? The part that gets me is that while this fella is clearly targetting what he deems a ‘cash cow’, it avoids any personal responsibility completely.

Here I sit, reading this and smoking a cigarette. I know full well that smoking isn’t good for me. It doesn’t take but a night out smoking a pack, then waking up the next morning feeling like your lungs have been brutally savaged by a metal-bristled brush to realize "golly, that feels awful, that can’t have been good for me." I know, as does EVERY smoker out there (past and present, whether or not they admit it), that smoking simply can’t be good for you. That phlegm you cough up, the shortness of breath, hell, even the smell, screams "warning!" with big flashing lights.

Thing is, I know what I’m doing, I choose to do it, and I’m not about to sue the tobacco companies. That just seems as stupid as suing Leatherman for cutting your thumb on the sharp knife you just purchased. It’s a knife. It cuts. That’s what it does. Smoking in general is introducing crap into your body that isn’t natural.

To bring this full-circle, suing Apple for their music player’s ability to "crank it up" isn’t the fault of Apple, or any other company. The person filing this suit has full control of the volume, and if he can’t use the device properly, it’s not Apples fault. Just like it’s not the tobacco industry’s fault if I choose to buy and use their product, nor is it Leatherman’s fault if I cut my thumb on their tools.

Just silly. Had to rant. For more read the thread on Slashdot.

General News

Kid brother’s 21st birthday!

chads_21st.jpgMy brother Chad turned 21 today! Had a really fun night out too. Fortunately it was a Sunday, so we hit a lot of spots that would have been sucky busy otherwise (Kells Irish Pub, Shanghai Tunnel, Tube, Dante’s, and the Ash Street). Here’s to you bro. Hope you had fun! 🙂

General News

No more double-decker busses in London

routemaster.jpgFound something in a roundabout way (was reading a post on the blog Paris Daily Photo, which linked to a post on London Daily Photo) about one of the icons of London, the Routemaster double-decker busses, have been decommissioned. Glad Kelly and I got to ride on one in 2001 when we were there. I guess I can understand why though, the busses were not handicapped-friendly.

I imagine that the open-top tourist busses will still be around, at least I hope, bug gone are the normal red double-deckers. 🙁 

For more info (and some cool pictures, including the source of the one used in this post) see here: 

General News

Going to the U.K. again!

europe2006_ukmap1.gifKelly and I just booked plane tickets to the U.K.! We fly out May 14th and return May 31st. Kelly was eager to go on another trip before she started back to school for her Master’s degree, and although I’m facing unemployment in my very near future, the tickets were the right price ($691 each, round trip) so we figured "what the heck!"

The plan is to start off in the Exeter area (in the south west of England) to visit our friends Joanna and David. Exeter is in Devon county, near Cornwall, and for those of you who know your Monty Python "Coronworl… ah yes know Coronworl very well. Went to school there, mother and father live there." (Cycling Tour sketch)

After that we’ll drive north through England to Edinburgh Scotland, taking our time along the way to visit Stonehenge, Bath, and who knows where else. Then, on the way back we’ll visit York and the surrounding area, ending back at London.

More details to come as the time draws near, but that’s the big news for now.

News Technology

Firefox continues to get more press

The latest issue of Wired Magazine has the two guys primarily responsible for the creation of the Firefox web browser (an offshoot of Mozilla) on the cover and a good article about the history, present and future of the browser.

Read it online here (