Tonight our friends Mike & Becky invited us out to their neck ‘o the woods for dinner and beers at the Main Street Ale House in Gresham. While Gresham may not be the hub of saturday night life, the beers at this spot are pretty darned good. I tried a couple of their beers including their ’80 Shilling’ scotch-style ale, which was quite good. It’s not so much amber as English bitter, and I ended up buying a growler of it to take home. The food was good, though our friends each got steaks while Kelly and I each got salads, and while my chef salad was fine, I was jealously eyeing their steak -n- potato meals.
Afterwards, Kelly and I were on our way home and drove by a place we’ve been meaning to check out for some time, the Moon and Sixpence. We decided to pull over and check it out. This is a fantastic English-style pub. The atmosphere (smoking, for those who need warning) was great, from the pictures and ad plaques decorating the walls, to the beers, to the menu. It was dark, warm, and cozy. Kelly and I couldn’t help but reminisce about our travels while looking at the old photos of London hanging on the walls. I highly recommend this spot if you want to get a feel for what pubs are like (at least, those we’ve been to).
It beats the Horse Brass in it’s authenticity, this place feels more genuine rather than the "Disneyland" version of a pub. Just wish they had some of the beers Horse Brass has on tap. 🙂 Can’t speak to the food however, we weren’t hungry after dinner at the Main Street Ale House, so perhaps another review will be in order.