Entertainment Food

Good day and night

Despite the new street sign I received this week (more), and discovering that I owe big on taxes earlier today, I had a really fun day today.

Kelly and I, after our neato meeting with our accountant, went to Ground Kontrol to play some video games. I rocked it old school with some Discs of Tron, followed by some Doctor Who and Stargate pinball, while Kelly played some Centipede and Addams Family pinball. Afterward we wandered around the various shops in the area (such as Compound) before getting lunch at Old Town Pizza.

After that we stopped by our good friends Cora & Craig’s house for a little bit (both of whom are old friends, co-workers, and Craig is the creator of – check out the phenomenon if you haven’t already).

And a bit later this evening we had Miranda and Snooks over for some drinks.

A successful Saturday, despite the taxes bit. Stupid taxes.