Beer Food Television Work

Missing in action, again

Yup, it’s happened again, I’m blogslacking. Here’s a recap of the past couple weeks:

Work, beer, turkey, pie, more work, and more beer.

For a more detailed breakdown, it’s been a little like this: I took some time off around the Thanksgiving holiday and spent a lot of time doing things around the house, like finally getting some shelving assembled in my office, thus making it a bit more organized and manageable. I also finally got my printer and scanner hooked back up. Not sure what I have to print or scan, but whatever, they’re both there and ready to go after 2+ years since the move to the house.

Spent Turkeyday at my folks house, which was very fun and very filling. I ate too much dinner, and then ate too much pie (which is to be expected I suppose). Kelly made a delicious apple pie, that pretty much every member of the family had seconds of. Yum. Me == fat.

The day after Kelly and I met Mr & Mrs Ghost Dog at Mash Tun for some dinner and beers.

After that, the work week broke down like this:

Monday: beers at Moon & Sixpence with Snooks.

Tuesday: home with Kelly watching movies and getting caught up on TV shows, like Heroes.

Wednesday: went to Kells for a couple beers after work… finally ventured downstairs to the ‘cigar’ area (meaning, I could have a smoke down there, pretty neat area, watched a bit of the Liverpool match on the plasma TV down there)… and then met Kelly at Moon after getting off the MAX for a beer before heading home for dinner and more TV watching.

Thursday: met Travis at Moon (yup, back there again).

Friday: Kelly was downtown when I got off work, so I met her at Huber’s, then we went to Kells (she wanted to see the downstairs ‘cigar bar’ that I visited on Wednesday), then we went to Shanghai Tunnel for a bit before taking the MAX homeward… stopping at Moon (yes, again, 4th time this week, urgh!) before going home.

Beer Entertainment Food Movies Television

A sound of transforming roman hero beers

Over the weekend Kelly and I watched several movies, one of which was the horrible adaptation of the brilliant Ray Bradbury short story A Sound of Thunder, which, while having some (and I emphasize some) interesting bits, it was overall a terrible film. Read the original story here (the only one I could find).

Later that night we watched the Transformers movie. Perhaps it’s just that I hold a special place in my heart for cars transforming into robots, but I thought the movie was pretty fun.

We also started watching the HBO series Rome, which was very interesting.

Lastly, we finished watching the first series of Jekyll (starring the brilliant James Nesbitt), and got caught up on Heroes. Jekyll was great, and Heroes is I think a bit slower this year than the last, but still excellent.

Tonight I met up with Snooks at Kennedy School for some dinner, and we later moved on to another local pub, the Concordia Ale House, where I had both the delicious Terminal Gravity Strong Ale, as well as an Oktoberfest Marzen style lager by a brewery who’s name I now forget. Fun times, and was home before 11.

Beer Entertainment Humor

Best thang evar!

While trying to catch up on my RSS feed reading tonight, I came across something while reading the blog of a local beer lover’s heaven Belmont Station that is, really, the BEST THANG EVAR!

Check it!

You won’t be disappointed. 🙂

Beer Entertainment General Movies

Missing in action

Damn it’s been a while since I’ve written. There’s no real reason for my absence other than a combination of laziness and a general malaise I’ve been feeling with regard to personal projects. Where to begin…

It seems I’ve not written since my birthday, so I suppose I’ll break it down by day/event as best as my feeble, aging mind can manage.

Saturday, October 27th:
Kelly and I hosted a small gathering at my house to celebrate the my birthday, which was a lot of fun, and involved my friends bringing me copious amounts of beer. My friends know me so well.

Sunday, October 28th:
My family and I went for dinner at Wan Q’s, a Chinese restaurant in Beaverton. Had a fun time celebrating both mine and my father’s birthday (we share the same birthday). I remember feeling very full as we left, and dreading going back to work after so many days off. 🙂

Tuesday, October 31, 2007:
We had a few little-un’s come by for Halloween, more than the past couple years. Later that night Kelly and I watched Stir Of Echoes, one of those good ‘ghost story’ movies I like quite a bit, along with The Changeling.

Thursday, November 1, 2007:
Went to Moon & Sixpence with my brother Travis, and was met later by Miranda. Had a great time hanging out, though remember being out a bit later than I’d intended.

Friday, November 2, 2007:
After working form home, Kelly and I met our good friends Rick and Amy at the legendary Goose Hollow Inn for dinner and drinks (mmm… reuben sammich). Yum!

Saturday, November 3, 2007:
Went out to Beaverton to hang out with a friend and ex-coworker of Kelly’s and her boyfriend, where I was fed delicious BBQ’d steak & shrimp, and got to play a little Call of Duty 3 (trying hard not to be frustrated that I have no experience with console controllers, and that I still wish that game was released for the PC). Had a really fun time hanging out with both A and S that night.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007:
Went to Kennedy School with Snooks for some beers, and conversation ranging from sci-fi TV shows to politics.

After work met Kelly at Rose & Thistle for a few beers before heading home.

That pretty much catches y’all up. I’m sure I’m missing something, but whatever. Hopefully I don’t let my stress / laziness keep me from posting a bit more frequently.

Beer Entertainment Food General Music

Birthday, part 33

Had a nice, chill birthday today. It was very nice, 2nd day off from work, spending time doing whatever I feel like (which, hasn’t been much, and it’s been glorious).

Yesterday Kelly and I went for a late lunch at Tin Shed, I had the delicious “Cajun Kicker” burger, and despite the drizzle of rain, the covered patio area was nice and warm to sit in. Last night I met Snooks at Kennedy School for some pizza and beers, and got home early enough that I started cleaning the garage up. What a mess it had become after a few months of neglect (cobwebs, empty boxes piled up, etc).

Today I played around on the computer most of the day, some video games, backing up some files, and made my first Amazon MP3 purchase (a great one-man act out of Seattle, Tim Seely). What a great experience; buying high-quality MP3 files for a reasonable price (the full album only cost $6.99). Tonight Kelly and I went down to Moon & Sixpence for dinner and drinks. Had a great time hanging out with my best friend. 🙂

Not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow, perhaps finally get around to the yardwork I hope to get done while the weather holds. Or, maybe not. To be continued…