Yesterday I spent most of the day doing general maintenance: cleaning up the house a bit, returning bottles and cans and doing some grocery shopping, going to Gartner's for some delicious meat products, and doing several hours of yardwork. That meant that I was exhausted and crashed early after watching some TV. That turned out to be a really good thing.
Awoke at 8am, tried to fall back asleep but couldn't, so I got up and made coffee and some breakfast. I cooked up eggs and some english bacon that I'd picked up the previous day, which wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but still decent. I spent most of the morning tinkering around on the computer, killing time before going to my friend Sean's Memorial Day BBQ / Birthday / Housewarming in Washington. Had a great time visiting with old friends, meeting new folk, and of course, hanging out with my buddy Sean and his family.
Just before 9:00pm Kelly and I decided to head back to Portland, wanting to get home somewhat early. About 10 minutes into the 35 minute drive back I get a text message from a coworker asking "Are you here?"… this coworker had picked me up some tickets to the 'upcoming' Arcade Fire concert about two months ago, and given them to me last Friday… and all of a sudden, it occurs to me that the show (which I thought was tomorrow) was tonight! Oh shit! Kelly and I drive as fast as we dare into town, rush to find a parking spot, and run to the venue. Fortunately we arrived shortly after Arcade Fire took the stage (missing only a couple songs). Whew!
The show was incredible. There were ten people on stage (there are eight core members, the other two were touring members), a few of them changing roles throughout the show (keyboards one song, drums the next, etc). A prime example was founding member Régine Chassagne who played the hurdy-gurdy one song, sang beautifully on In The Backseat the next, and then played the drums for a few songs before going to the keyboards. They sounded fantastic, and it was probably one of the best shows I've seen in a LONG time. Damned near a religous experience, between the sonic power from the band, and the mood of the crowd. Just incredible. If you haven't heard of them (much less seen them live) I highly reccomend you check them out. Hallelujah!
I'm just glad I'd gotten a full night's sleep before this day & night, since I'd mistakenly thought the Arcade Fire show was tomorrow. This means I can hopefully have a nice, relaxing evening at home before going back to work on Tuesday. Hooray!