Beer Entertainment Music

Menomena & Decemberists @ Edgefield

Menomena at EdgefieldWent to a great show tonight at McMenamins Edgefield, I got to see a great local band who I’ve been wanting to see for a few years called Menomena, and for the third time, The Decemberists. I hadn’t seen a show at Edgefield before, and it was a pretty fun experience, especially with the great weather today. While a bit warm, it was a great place to see a show. Menomena were fantastic, and were as great (or better) live than their records.

Decemberists at EdgefieldDecemberists also put on a fantastic show, though I was saddened not to see Lisa M. from Talkdemonic on stage with them like their last show. It was still a helluva good time. Decemberists did play Eli, the Barrow Boy and The Mariner’s Revenge Song (neither of which they played at the last show I saw them at) and during Mariner’s, they brought out some people under a giant whale outfit, which was a lot of fun. Was a very fun show, and a fun evening.

Beer Food Work

Saturday through today

So yeah, I didn’t get around to blogging about events from last week / weekend until recently (like, past couple days). Between being busy and just plain lazy, it just didn’t get done. So I apologize if any of you were reading my posts in your feed reader where I’d say “today” when I was writing for the days in question. What can I say, I’m lazy. To recap from Saturday through today, here’s what I’ve been up to.

Saturday my brother and sis-in-law threw a party at their house. They’re about to be parents, and figured they’d throw one last big bash before the little’un arrives. Had a good time out there, even though I ended up having to grill up a pile of sausages because my brother is even more lazy than I and couldn’t be bothered to feed his guests. Hrmph! 🙂

Sunday I did nothing, absolutely nothing, and it was glorious. I spent the day watching the Netflix movies that Kelly had already seen, watching a lot of television, and just generally lounging around ignoring all the productive stuff I could have been doing (including blogging).

From then on, it’s been work work work. There’s a helluva lot to get done this week, and it’s stressing me out man! That aside, last night Kelly and I met with Kelly’s ex-coworker and her boyfriend at the Lucky Lab in Multnomah Village. I think I prefer the one on Hawthorne, but it was still a good time, and their pizza is good.

And tonight (right now, actually) Kelly and I are sitting here at the Mash Tun brewpub, both armed with our laptops, nerding the night away and having a good time doing it. 🙂

The weather has been VERY nice the past few days… cooler (in the 70’s) and rainy. After the nearly 100 degree heat from a couple weeks ago, it’s a welcome change. Anyway, that’s it for now. Hopefully I’ll be slightly less of a slacker… but don’t count on it… not until the workload lightens up.

Beer Entertainment Music Work

Brews, Dogs, & Demons

Yoda at the Portland International BrewfestWhat a day. What a week! Work was crazy busy. On top of many other tasks however, I did get to do things like finalize a logo design, and then use that logo to design a t-shirt and a website… all for a developer community that’s set to launch in a couple weeks. Today however, the team I work with and I all fled the office early to go to the Portland International Brewfest to sample some beers. I was pleasantly surprised with the Sick Duck Imperial Stout, and was quite happy to see Coniston Brewing‘s Bluebird Bitter on tap. I spent most of my two hours there bouncing between those two beers, straying here and there to try out a few things.

Kelly picked me up just after 6pm, because we were set to meet some friends at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne for dinner before going to a concert. Had a good time hanging out outside chatting, eating, and seeing all the cute dogs running around. Always a fun (though often loud) time at the Lucky Lab.

Point Juncture, WA at the Aladdin TheaterWe then went on to the Aladdin Theater, which I hadn’t been inside of for over 12 years. The opening band was Point Juncture, WA (yes, that’s the band name, and they’re from Portland), who were entertaining to watch. It was pretty clear while watching them that the quintet was having a good time, pretty much all smiles the whole show. Also, several members rotated instruments during the show. While at times they sounded a bit rough, I definitely enjoyed their show.

Talkdemonic at the Aladdin TheaterAfter the break, came the band that we were there to see, Talkdemonic. They put on a fantastic show, and introduced a LOT of new material. The crowd who’d all remained seated during Point Juncture, WA, were quickly on their feet, and the floor was filled with people swaying to the sounds that drummer / composer Kevin O’Connor and violist Lisa Molinaro poured into the theater. Fun show and a great way to end a great afternoon / evening.

Beer Entertainment Humor Television

Ford creates man’s dream world

In a recent commercial from for the Falcon XR8 Ute, Ford has created a manly man’s dream world. The paper delivery isn’t a newspaper, but a burrito, a group of men chase after a beer truck called "Mr. Frothy", most of the stores in the town have large signs that read "Tools". Oh, and the theater is running "BEER: The Musical". I’d watch that. 🙂 Click here to read more and watch the video.

Beer Technology

Tech supporter, and Independance Day

Happy "intellectually-challenged people burn shit up and kill people" day. Ugh.

I played tech support / web nerd for some friends earlier this week. On Monday I helped my friend Jenn get an old laptop onto her home WiFi connection so she could stream music to her basement. She paid me plenty with beer and some BBQ’d meat though, so it was far from a chore. On Tuesday I met Snooks at Kennedy School and helped him sort out his troubles with his new hosting service (mis-configured DNS entries for the domain name) and helped him get WordPress (the blog software I use) installed and set up. I then did some basic training on how things work, how to tweak the themes, etc. I also had too much beer, since the following day (4th of July) off, so by the end I’m sure I wasn’t much help.

On Wednesday Kelly and I slept in a bit, and then I got up and took care of some computer tasks and sipped on coffee for a bit. Later we ran to the local grocery store and then went to a nearby friends BBQ. Had a good time, though I was pretty tired from the heat. It was about 90 degrees here, and I tend to get tired and cranky when it’s warmer than 75. Had a good time though, there was a sprinkler running, which I stood in frequently to keep cool, and later we were treated to many many large and very illegal fireworks from nearby houses. Some were quite impressive (those that start with the telltale thump, and then a very loud bang as bits of magnesium, carbon, phosphorus, and other elements spread out in large colorful bursts. While on one hand I enjoy them, the other hand recognizes why these large fireworks (and even smaller cousins, bottlerockets) are illegal here… so much can go wrong, especially when it’s been so hot and dry. I at one point ran home and watered the lawn for a while to be extra careful, just in case a random bit of burning material landed in my dry lawn. Anyway, I ate too much delicious food, and then came home to watch a bit of TV before going to bed to start the work day. Well, because of the holiday, the morons were out lighting firecrackers until well past 1am (I think I finally fell asleep somewhere around 2am). Urgh. Stupid 4th of July. 🙂