I keep meaning to post, I really do! I just keep getting distracted and putting it off. Here’s yet another recap of the past week or so…
Tues – Fri
Worked. Lots of meetings, lots of planning, little actual work got done.
Friday night (Halloween)
Kelly and I went to Concordia Ale House for a beer, and then headed over to Kennedy School to witness the Halloween festivities. We arrived just in time to see some little kids all decked out (saw a tiny dinosaur, the kid couldn’t have been more than a year old — looked like a stuffed animal with a small child stuffed inside, very cute). We got pints and went to the front fire pit and watched the adults arrive for the evening party. There were a number of good costumes, including some zombies, 80’s style rockers, a thin and buxom Wonder Woman, a Sarah Palin (the scariest costume all night), and my personal favorite… Cousin Eddie, Christmas Vacation style.
Rest of weekend
Chilled out, watched some TV and movies. Had plans and they fell through so it was a generally lazy weekend. Perfect! One cool thing, my friend Eric sent me the invite code for the Call of Duty: World at War demo, which I downloaded and played for a bit. Awesome and loads of fun, though it did tax my two year old video card. Time to buy another I guess.
Last night
Met Snooks at Horse Brass for a couple beers last night, before returning home to have a salad and doze off on the couch. I think I’m fighting off a flu or something. Urgh.
Worked from home and managed to get a lot of real work done. Hooray!
Tonight (election night)
Trying to ignore the results as they come in. Nothing can be gained by fretting over the numbers as they come in, moving upward and (sadly) closer together. I can only hope. And pray. And wait. In the meantime I’m gonna continue to play with my new shiny iPod Touch. Maybe play some Call of Duty, or Team Fortress 2 (oh yeah, thanks again for gifting that to me, Ghost Dog!).