Beer Food Work

Kelly leaves town, I play a bit hard

Yesterday early afternoon Kelly picked me up from my work so I could driver her to the airport. After dropping her her off, I got halfway home before noticing her phone sitting on the passenger seat. Drats! So I turn around and speed back to the airport, park, rush in and find a paging phone. I hoped she would hear it, I never ever pay attention to those things myself. Fortunately a few minutes later she came walking out of the crowd. Crisis averted.

I went home from there (figured it’d be quicker for me to get back working if I didn’t drive all the way back into downtown.

Later I took the bus to Greater Trumps to hang out with Snooks on his birthday along some some other friends. Later my brother T showed up and we buzzed over to Rose & Thistle for a couple more pints and some food (mmm… sausage roll).

Felt a bit, ahem, delicate all day long. It was a long day.

Beer Food General

The end of another year

Happy New Year! Last night Kelly and I had a small gathering at our house (friends who, like ourselves, didn’t have plans) to snack and drink away the last few hours of 2007. My sickness has just about run it’s course so I knew I was fine to have some beers (mmmm… Smithwick’s), however after enough beer I felt fine enough to have a few cigarettes, and am paying the price for those today (‘The Sick Strikes Back’). Otherwise I left the evening relatively unscathed. Kelly, on the other hand, is a wee bit delicate this morning. 😉

One benefit to throwing a party are the leftovers, of which we have plenty. I say benefit, though it’s all fatty foods (dips, chips, sweets, etc) I don’t need, but will nevertheless eat at all day.

Here’s short summary of my 2007:

Now, on to 2008…

Beer Entertainment Food Movies Work

Sick, dammit all to hell

Hrmph. This figures. I have a nasty head & chest cold. It started the day after Christmas (Boxing day), and hasn’t let up yet. I’ve spent the last 3 days in the house coughing and blowing my nose. This SUCKS. I take time off from work… valuable, precious time off work… and I get sick. Argh!

I’ve watched a bunch of TV (more Law & Order: Criminal Intent than most people see in an entire year), some movies (including finally watching Blood Diamond, good film), and playing Call of Duty 4 when my head feels up to it.

I’m starting to get antsy. Mid-day today I felt pretty decent, but by 4pm it all started going wrong again, and now, even after Kelly went and picked up Thai take-out (mmmm… spicey fried rice from Tuk Tuk), I’m completely stuffed up. I am, however, saying ‘to hell with it’ and am sipping on a beer. I figure, it’ll probably help me sleep, so whatever. And it’s Friday.

Beer Food Work

End of a week, Night at the Goose

After a fairly long and mentally exhausting work week, Kelly and I went back to our old haunt, the Goose Hollow Inn, for dinner with our good friends Jason & Jen. Been a while since I’d been to back to the Goose, and even longer since we’d seen J & J. Had a great night catching up with them. I had a few pints of Guinness and the Goose’s famous reuben sandwich. Delicious, and filling. I’m feeling quite drowsy as I write this. Looking forward to my week and a half off, which starts… NOW! *passes out*

*wakes up briefly* while linking to the Guinness website I discovered they have some new strange contraption called the Surger, some kind of sonic burst delivered to a flat-looking pour from a can that activates the nitro bubbles forming the cascade and head associated with a keg pour (videos on Huh. I want to try one someday, hopefully a bar around Portland has one at some point. I’m interested in comparing it to a real keg pour. *passes back out*

Beer Food General Music

Day at home, night at the Moon

Got up early today. Well, early by my Saturday standards (8:30), and spent most of the day being somewhat productive. I continued cleaning my office, cleaned the kitchen, the garage, the car, etc. You know, super exciting fun stuff. Oh, I also IM’d all day with my loser friend Martin. What a loser! (yes, I expect a response from you, you loser).

Tonight Kelly and I met our friends Ty and Aymie (as well her sister and brother-in-law) at Moon & Sixpence for some dinner and drinks. We were joined later by Miranda & Brian, and even later by my brother Travis. Had a good time hanging out. Had the cottage pie. Still full. Gruhhh.

Oh, today I also created my masterpiece. My friend SD sent me a mix CD (the prize for winning a blog contest: closest guess to the birth date of his son), which arrived in the mail last week (the CD, not his son). Naturally, a home-made mix CD doesn’t have cover art. I like cover art (so does my iPod), so I created one. The CD had only the phrase “Van Man” written on it, a fairly common nickname due to my long Dutch last name. I grabbed an oddball image from his blog and created this: Behold the awesomeness.