Beer General

Beer, with added workiness

Ah, friday. I say that as if it was a long week or something, I only worked 3 days, but they all were long, brain-destroying days. One nice thing was that at the end of the day the company hosted another small happy hour in the break room, so I had a beer or two and chatted before Kelly picked me up around 6:30. We decided to go to the Moon & Sixpence again, have a few pints, some snacks, etc, and relax.

The pub was packed when we arrived, so we ended up with a small table near the door. About an hour later I hear my name called out, it was one of my bosses and his wife. They sat with us and we had a great time chatting, mostly non-work related. Towards the end of the evening my esteemed coworker seemed to be getting a little droopy-eyed, so we drove them home. Fun evening all around, and a good way to end the week.

Beer General

It’s 2007!

Happy New Year all. Had a small gathering this evening, loads of fun, ate too much, drank too much… guess that's the point? Overall had a very nice evening, and am looking forward to the new year. Happy New Year and here's to a better '07.  (PS, I can't believe that it's 2007… I feel that I should have a flying car, a cold fusion-powered home, and a robot maid by now).

Entertainment General

New computer: built

Continuing on my week of productivity, today I built myself a new PC, a Core 2 Duo, two gigs of DDR2, and an nVidia 7950gt video card. After spending most of the day and evening getting all the hardware and basic software installed, I installed Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (which came with the video card) and Call of Duty 2, and briefly played each one. I will say that after upgrading from an older system, the new one is quite speedy, and while it's fun to have a new machine, it's a big pain reinstalling all the software and getting things set up the way they were prior to the upgrade. I'm guessing it'll take a couple more days to get things set up the way I need, and to back up all the junk from the old hard drive, but it's nice to have a modern system. Oh, and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is pretty fun. 🙂


Storage shelf: constructed

Spent the day (and evening) building a monster (and manly) shelf in my garage today. Since moving into the house a year and a half ago, we'd had piled up plastic storage bins on the floor… bothering me. One of the things I mentioned on my Christmas wish list was some tools and assistance building a big shelf a couple feet from the ceiling to place said bins on. I got some tools, and last night my brother Travis came over with his truck so I could pick up lumber and other hardware to build the shelf. Today I got it all built. Took me nearly 7 hours to do from start to finish (not counting all the cleanup) but it's so nice to finally have done. 12 feet wide, nearly 2 feet deep, hanging about 2 feet from the ceiling. I can fit 8 bins on it, and was able to move some other things around under it, freeing up room for the cars. I'd shout out a big hooray, but I'm exhausted. So all I can muster is a weak 'yay'. 🙂

General Humor News

100 tidbits of knowledge

Reading though my list of usual news sites this morning, I came across this from BBC News: 100 things we didn't know last year. Did you know that the lion costume from Wizard of Oz was made of real lion skins? Did you know that more than 90% of plane crashses have survivors? Fascinating.