Tonight Kelly and I went back out to Ghost Dog's neighborhood for dinner and beers at the Main Street Ale House. Kelly and I first ventured there back in February, and again had a great time, despite the slight disappointment that one of their best beers, the '80 Shilling' ale, was no longer on tap (which was technically a 'seasonal' though it ran from November of last year until very recently… some season, heh). I will say though that their 'Single malt' ale was pretty good (strong, slightly bitter, and a good complex flavor), and the growler fill-up this time around was their English Summer, which is light, slightly wheaty, refreshing (especially during the continuing hot weather 'round here).
After dinner we walked up the street to this martini bar called The Elbo Room, where Kelly and Ghost Dog's better half got sweet martini drinks, Ghost Dog pulled a 'double-O seven' with his vodka martini (shaken, not stirred) and I had a Black Butte Porter (Deschutes Brewery) while we chatted. Thanks again to GD and B for a fun evening!