Beer Entertainment General Humor Movies Television

Bruce Campbell Book Signing

Boy, what a day! A few days back, Ghost Dog's better half discovered that on Saturday, September 30th, actor, writer, and all-around wise guy Bruce Campbell would be in town, at the McMenamin's Bagdad Theater doing a book signing for Make Love! (The Bruce Campbell Way). Naturally, Ghost Dog and I were eager to attend.

The three of us arrived just after the doors opened at 4pm, narrowly missing a very long line (and seeing Miranda on the way, who works just across the street). Once inside, we waited patiently for the 5pm arrival of the man. I'd never been in the theater before, but I'd love to go back to see a movie, have some beers, and eat some pizza.

When Mr. Campbell arrived, there was thunderous applause from the full theater. After taking the stage, he spoke for a short time, and then said that since he didn't have anything planned, he opened things up to a Q&A session, which was hilarious (see Ghost Dog's write-up for more details). As you would expect, he's as snarky and witty in person as the characters he plays.

After the Q&A session, Bruce left the stage and went back to the lobby to start signing, and the waiting began. It took about an hour and a half to get our numbers called to get into line, and another 30 minutes in the line, before finally, I got to meet the man. As I walked up to the table he was sitting at, he said "Hello Sir!" While I handed him my books he asked what I did for a living. I told him "A web designer and developer" to which he responded "That sounds like a very sensible job in this modern age." Perhaps. 🙂  After I thanked him, I stood back and took a couple photos of Mr. & Mrs. Ghost Dog getting their book signed, and then we left. How totally cool!

After we left we went to the Horse Brass for dinner and beers, and then to Moon & Sixpence for more beers. What a kiler evening! To the right is one of the two books I got autographed. For the other, I'd chosen to use just my last name, which for any of you who know it, know is rather long. Bruce looked at it and went "[slowly reads last name] eh? That's one heck-of-a name." and proceeded to write it out seperately, one line for each syllable. Sweet! 🙂 

(Post-dated, originally written on October 3rd, because I'm a slacker. :))

Beer General Television

Weekend recap

Had a fairly busy weekend again. On Saturday, Ghost Dog and I went over to Snooks house for a small BBQ/party (K joined later after her full day of class). On the way we swung by Belmont Station to pick up some import beers… I picked up two new English beers I hadn't had before (and still haven't). Had a great time chillin' in Master Snooks' yard.

On Sunday we were invited to our friends Ty & Aymie's house for a BBQ to meet some of Aymie's family visiting from South Africa. K & I had a great time. At about dusk we headed home to watch the first disc of Lost, season 2 (which Snooks had lent us) … which we did, all 4 episodes back to back (because you can't watch just one, hehe).


Congrats to Jason & Jen

Earlier this month our good friends Jason and Jen tied the knot, and on Saturday they had a party to celebrate the event. Thought I'd write a quick note of congratulations to the newlyweds. Here's to a long and happy life together, and have fun on your honeymoon!

Beer General

Rain, glorious rain

I'm a full-fledged Oregonian, I can't help it. Right now it's raining, the first rain of any substance in a few months, and I'm happy as hell. I enjoy summer, don't get me wrong, but weeks of 90+ degree heat kind of brings me down. Today was great, mid-70's and sunny during the day, nice enough for me to get a good walk in, but finally a good rain to clear the air out, green things up a bit, and make the area feel a lot more like home.

Tonight I spent some time in my company's kick-ass break room drinking beers for a company 'happy hour' (getting to know both old-school'ers and new hires alike, including a recent hire from France, so I was able to brush off my dusty French skills). After doing my part to drink off the work keg, I took the bus home, and spent the evening with Kelly (fortunately she'd finished her paper for school, so we were able to hang out in the yard for a few hours (well beofore the rain started).

Beer Entertainment General

Hangin’ ’round

Last night I hung out at Moon & Sixpence with my good friend Ghost Dog (I better not get sick, dammit) while Kelly and GD's better half were off seeing the play Wicked.

Tonight, Snooks (and later, my brother Travis) and I hung out at Kennedy School.

This week has been a bit odd, probably because of the monday holiday, but each day has somehow seemed like both monday and friday, leaving my brain in a constant state of confusion. Perhaps I need to sleep more, or drink more beer, I can't decide.