Entertainment General Humor Movies Television

You see it?

So a few weeks ago when the news of Heath Leger’s death hit the interwebs, and the news of whatever oddness between he, the maid, and Mary-Kate Olsen surfaced, ABC posted a photo of Heath and MK side by side. I saw the photo and immediately thought of how creepy MK looked, and how similar to someone else, though I couldn’t place it.

I saved the photo and then waited for my brain to turn over. Finally it hit me… in the photo she looked like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.

Sally vs. Mary-Kate

C’mon, you see it right? CRRREEEEEEEPYYYYY

PS: I feel sick right now, might be coming down with a flu, so perhaps the above isn’t as funny as I think. Going to hop my bus home now, and then go to bed…

Entertainment Humor Work

Working for the weekend

After two whole days of work I’m already pooped, however it was a good couple days. My energy level was at 11 (versus the usual wavering between 6 and 9) from all the time off. I wish I could have a week off every couple weeks to re-energize. It does the brain good.

For some late Friday fun, be sure to check out this post by my friend Snooks. It will make you smile. No, seriously. It WILL make you smile. Unless there’s something wrong with you.

Beer Entertainment Humor

Best thang evar!

While trying to catch up on my RSS feed reading tonight, I came across something while reading the blog of a local beer lover’s heaven Belmont Station that is, really, the BEST THANG EVAR!

Check it!

You won’t be disappointed. 🙂

Entertainment Humor Movies

Gratuitous Amounts of Energy

This is the best thing ever. Don’t argue with me, I’ve got ENERGY LEGS!

Found this during lunch today via this blog post. Hilarious stuff, though Powerthirst is probably the best one.


*dies from laughter*

Entertainment Humor Movies

How to be the perfect girlfriend

Saw this video via just now. Hilarious (and yet, oddly accurate).

Yup, still slacking off. 🙂