Beer General

Rain, glorious rain

I'm a full-fledged Oregonian, I can't help it. Right now it's raining, the first rain of any substance in a few months, and I'm happy as hell. I enjoy summer, don't get me wrong, but weeks of 90+ degree heat kind of brings me down. Today was great, mid-70's and sunny during the day, nice enough for me to get a good walk in, but finally a good rain to clear the air out, green things up a bit, and make the area feel a lot more like home.

Tonight I spent some time in my company's kick-ass break room drinking beers for a company 'happy hour' (getting to know both old-school'ers and new hires alike, including a recent hire from France, so I was able to brush off my dusty French skills). After doing my part to drink off the work keg, I took the bus home, and spent the evening with Kelly (fortunately she'd finished her paper for school, so we were able to hang out in the yard for a few hours (well beofore the rain started).

Beer Entertainment General

Hangin’ ’round

Last night I hung out at Moon & Sixpence with my good friend Ghost Dog (I better not get sick, dammit) while Kelly and GD's better half were off seeing the play Wicked.

Tonight, Snooks (and later, my brother Travis) and I hung out at Kennedy School.

This week has been a bit odd, probably because of the monday holiday, but each day has somehow seemed like both monday and friday, leaving my brain in a constant state of confusion. Perhaps I need to sleep more, or drink more beer, I can't decide. 

Entertainment Television

Battlestar Galactica ‘Webisodes’

In case any of you sci-fi nerds out there haven't already heard, is airing 'webisodes' of Battlestar Galactica starting tonight, running every Tuesday and Thursday leading up to the October 6th premiere of Season 3. They're only about three minutes long, but still interesting, and feature some new faces as well as some regular cast memebers. Check 'em out!


R.I.P. Steve Irwin

I just loaded up BBC Radio 1 to catch the Chris Moyles morning show, and was a bit surprised to hear them talking about the death of Steve 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin. I quickly went to BBC News and found the article confirming that he died from a stingray 'sting' to the chest (into the heart) while filming a documentary on the Great Barrier Reef with his daughter.

While, after Steve's many years working with deadly animals, I'm not totally shocked to hear the news, but I was beginning to think he was nearly invincible and would live forever, taunting dangerous animals and insects until I grew old.

It's definately sad, as he was a very passionate environmentalist and conservationist who over the past decade and a half got many people interested in wildlife again, and who used much of his own money to help protect wildlife areas in Australia. My condolences to Mr. Irwin's family and friends.

Beer General

Hangin with Ghost Dog

Tonight Kelly and I went back out to Ghost Dog's neighborhood for dinner and beers at the Main Street Ale House. Kelly and I first ventured there back in February, and again had a great time, despite the slight disappointment that one of their best beers, the '80 Shilling' ale, was no longer on tap (which was technically a 'seasonal' though it ran from November of last year until very recently… some season, heh). I will say though that their 'Single malt' ale was pretty good (strong, slightly bitter, and a good complex flavor), and the growler fill-up this time around was their English Summer, which is light, slightly wheaty, refreshing (especially during the continuing hot weather 'round here).

After dinner we walked up the street to this martini bar called The Elbo Room, where Kelly and Ghost Dog's better half got sweet martini drinks, Ghost Dog pulled a 'double-O seven' with his vodka martini (shaken, not stirred) and I had a Black Butte Porter (Deschutes Brewery) while we chatted. Thanks again to GD and B for a fun evening!