Beer Entertainment

Two Festivals, One Day, Arrgh Matey!

Today, Ghost Dog and I hit two festivals in the area, The Portland Pirate Festival, and the Portland Polish Festival. K couldn't go, unfortunately, because she had to spend the day studying.

The Pirate Festival (held at Cathedral Park in the St. Johns neighborhood of Portland) was pretty fun. It's a very family-friendly event, with inflatable pirate ships for the kiddies, food, tents selling all manner of pirate swag, family friendly pirate rock bands, and a beer garden for the adults (or shall I say, scurvy dogs and bawdy wenches). I'd never been to Cathedral Park before, which is a really beautiful park located under the eastern end of the St. Johns bridge along the Willamette river. The weather (after having been grey and rainy all week) was excellent (upper 70's and clear skies) and everybody seemed in a festive mood. There were loads of people dressed up in costume, some of which were very elaborate (and quite expensive I'd imagine), ranging from all manner of pirate outfit, to period English naval crew and admiralty, to women in very snug-fitting bodices.

When Ghost Dog and I first arrived, the group Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries (B.O.O.M) were going 'boom' with a performance along the shore of the river, firing cannons and guns at the English navy (who were firing back). Pretty fun stuff (and very loud). Later, the pirate rock band Captain Bogg & Salty took to the stage (featuring two members of the apparently now-defunct Pirate Jenny) with their fun blend of rock and pirate sea shanty. After a beer in the beer garden, we wandered through the 'Marauder's Market' to look at the wares (including some pretty fun pirate clothing), over to get some yummy food (er, grub) from the Salvadore Molly's tent, and then back to the beer tent for another pint o' ale. After that, we went to check out the replica 1812 privateer schooner, only to discover that the $15 ticket to get into the festival didn't cover entrance into the ship, so we bagged it and left.

Oh, as a result of a conversation GD and I had while there, here's what scurvy is. Just so you know. 🙂

On the way back from St. Johns, we checked out the Portland Polish Festival, which was a lot of fun. On the way in (we entered from the parking lot, just off of Interstate Avenue), there were a few tents selling jewlery, art, clothing etc, followed by a large tent and a stage with a polka band. Beyond that was the food and beer tents, both of which had very long lines. Long lines seemed to be the theme between both festivals. 🙂 The atmosphere was very friendly, the food looked and smelled delicious The couple beers I sampled (the Okocim and Okocim Porter) were really really good. It was a fun event, and I was pleasantly surprised at how large of a Polish community the Portland area has. It was a lot of fun getting a little taste for Polish culture, something to which I admittedly know very little about.

Overall it was a very fun day. The Portland Polish Festival runs again tomorrow (sunday) so for those of you live in the area, and feel like getting some polka, kielbasa, and beer, I suggest you check it out. 

Beer General Television

Weekend recap

Had a fairly busy weekend again. On Saturday, Ghost Dog and I went over to Snooks house for a small BBQ/party (K joined later after her full day of class). On the way we swung by Belmont Station to pick up some import beers… I picked up two new English beers I hadn't had before (and still haven't). Had a great time chillin' in Master Snooks' yard.

On Sunday we were invited to our friends Ty & Aymie's house for a BBQ to meet some of Aymie's family visiting from South Africa. K & I had a great time. At about dusk we headed home to watch the first disc of Lost, season 2 (which Snooks had lent us) … which we did, all 4 episodes back to back (because you can't watch just one, hehe).

Entertainment Music

A demon to join Decemberists tour

Looking at Willamette Week's online site just now, I saw an article about how the violinist Lisa Molinaro of Talkdemonic (great local band, whom I saw again this past April) will be joining The Decemberists on tour for their upcoming album The Crane Wife. Pretty cool, and go Lisa!

News Politics


This morning, as I sat down to my computer with my cup of coffee (my morning ritual, as I shake off the slumber) and loaded up my daily nerd news sites it dawned on me that today is the fateful September 11th. If this seems strange to you, that I didn't think about it well in advance (seeings how I have one of them new-fangled calendars), keep in mind that a) my brain brain is pretty focused on friends and family and daily life so dates (even seasons) pass by and I don't notice, and b) I don't pay attention to regular news outlets (because frankly, they're too depressing and spew fear as if it were free beer at a brewfest) so it sort of 'crept up on me'.

However, rather than dwell on the usual news, I found an article on Wired News that I found very interesting given the way the news (and US Government) paints things… a chart (playing on the US Government's color-coded alert system) that takes mortality data over an 11 year period on the various dangers that confront US citizens. The chart (to the left) reveals that we are 10x more likely to die from an accidental drowning than in a terrorist attack, and more than 80x more likely to die by driving off of the road (the chart doesn't specifically break down whether these are due to drunk driving or sleepiness, but either way). Pretty interesting, and definately something that may help keep perspective on things. 


Congrats to Jason & Jen

Earlier this month our good friends Jason and Jen tied the knot, and on Saturday they had a party to celebrate the event. Thought I'd write a quick note of congratulations to the newlyweds. Here's to a long and happy life together, and have fun on your honeymoon!