Happy birthday Snooks! Hopefully I can buy you a beer (or ten) later on today. 🙂
Author: ryan
Lunchtime links
During lunch, while eating a delicious chicken sandwich and scanning my usual lunchtime news sites (Digg and Slashdot) I found the following tidbits that I thought I'd share.
Web developers, just say no to Internet Explorer
An interesting little read from a frustrated developer (presumably, doesn't say what he does for a living, just what kind of company he works for), a site dedicated to trying to make 2007 and 'IE-free year', given it's poor standards-compliance. I know first-hand the pain that IE causes. Anyway, Read it! (www.nomoreiehacks.org)
Pentagon: War on terror in Iraq, caused more harm than good
From an article of the Sunday Herald on December 26th, 2006, the Pentagon has been attributed as admitting that the war on terror in Iraq has done more harm than good in terms of the objective, to win the hearts and minds of the people, removing the power from terror goups. Read It! (findarticles.com)
Blog tweaks
Spent some time tweaking the blog the past couple days, minor modifications and improvements. Registered users will notice that they can now set avatars, and that I fixed a bug that kept the blog from reading the cookie data properly that would cause logged in users to have to fill out the entire comment form, including image verification. There were many plugins I looked at (including more dynamic, AJAX-style commenting), some of which may be coming soon. Yay, nerdy fun! Didn't get much else accomplished around the house this weekend. Oh well. May have to play some Call of Duty 2 now. 🙂
Ah, friday. I say that as if it was a long week or something, I only worked 3 days, but they all were long, brain-destroying days. One nice thing was that at the end of the day the company hosted another small happy hour in the break room, so I had a beer or two and chatted before Kelly picked me up around 6:30. We decided to go to the Moon & Sixpence again, have a few pints, some snacks, etc, and relax.
The pub was packed when we arrived, so we ended up with a small table near the door. About an hour later I hear my name called out, it was one of my bosses and his wife. They sat with us and we had a great time chatting, mostly non-work related. Towards the end of the evening my esteemed coworker seemed to be getting a little droopy-eyed, so we drove them home. Fun evening all around, and a good way to end the week.
Found some fun videos on YouTube while eating lunch today, two episodes of God, Inc. by Francis Stokes. You can watch them on his website, francisstokes.com. The comedy reminds me of The Office, or Office Space, but with a twist, the employees in this office work in the corporate offices of God, handling public affairs, marketing, etc. A fine example of the comedy is this:
A new employee is meeting about her new role in the company…
Manager: Sarah Melody Church, you're going to be in product development, right?
Sarah: That's right.
Manager: OK… birth
Sarah: June 3rd, 1976
Manager: OK, and death?
Sarah: November 5th, 2006
Manager: How did you die?
Sarah: Leukemia
Manager: Oooh, ouch. That sucks.
Sarah: Yeah, it was pretty painful, but I had the support of my friends and family, so, that meant a lot.
Manager: Yeah… Isn't there a cure for that? (looking puzzled)
Sarah: No (also looking puzzled)
Manager: (looks at a sheet behind his desk) … Oh, yeah, that's next year. (Makes "tough luck" face)
Sarah: … (looks at floor, sadly)
Apparently he's working on Epsiode 3 now. I think these along with Chad Vader are among my favorite web videos of all time. Enjoy! 🙂