Yeah, I know, two posts in one night. Well, there's a good reason. Just after I finished writing the last post, I get a call from K. As part of her job at CompuHyperGlobalMegaNet (as GhostDog would say, and yeah, same place) she was invited to a VIP event tonight to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The reason being, her employer is a sponsor of a very cool exhibit, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination… where they have all sorts of Star Wars things on display, fun games, etc, all related to the real-life science in science-fiction.
She had called me at my work at about 4:30pm as she was on her way, saying how she'd just learned that spouses / significant others were invited to this private event (food and drink supplied). Since I'd learned this so late in the day (and had my heart set on getting some of the previously mentioned painting done) I declined and told her to have fun. Also, we'd already planned to go about a month from now, when the event would be open to the public, so I thought "eh, sounds kind of boring".
Well, I just got a call from her, she said she was having a blast, that there were all sorts of people in costume, and to check my email. I got the photo to the left from a coworker's camera-phone. Dammit! And here I was, painting the stupid fence. Argh!