

Hey all. Well I've done it, I went an entire month with no new blog posts. I'm even having to post-date this because I was too busy during the week to actually post on December 12th. Urgh.

Here's a quick recap: kitty is getting big, fast… work has been keeping me very busy… I got my christmas shopping done early this year ( is the greatest thing ever)… saw a concert (see next post)… beer is good… and I've come down with a bit of a cold.  *sniffle*  That's the short version. Hopefully I'll return to posting a bit more often.


Meet Arthur Guinness

Hey everybody, today Kelly and I brought home a new member to our family. Meet Arthur Guinness! Yes, that's his name, and no, it wasn't even my idea, Kelly was the one who thought of it. I didn't object though, I like Guinness, and with his coloring fits (black with a hint of brown). 🙂

Kelly and I had gone out to visit my Grandma, who'd recently returned home after breaking her hip a month ago. Grandma's house always has kittens around, because there are several cats outside who breed like there's no tomorrow. Kelly has wanted a cat for years (and years), and while I was going to get her one for Christmas, we saw this little guy, Kelly fell in love, and I couldn't say no. So we brought him home. He's about 3 months old, and his mom is a part siamese, but that's about all we know. He's incredibly sweet, loves to cuddle, and is very well behaved.

I'm sure there will be more photos to come, but for now, be sure to click on the thumbnail in this post to see a bigger version. Cute!

Beer Entertainment General Movies Politics

Borat, Burgers, and Beer

What a busy week, so much so that I've neglected my blog… again. This past week, the company I work for treated the team I'm working with to two special days, back-to-back. On Monday we were taken to a mid-day showing of the new film Borat (which was both hilarious and disturbing), and then on Tuesday took us out to Stanich's, a local landmark of sorts, known for their artery-clogging "World's Greatest Hamburger" … a burger stacked with fried egg, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, relish, etc. It was absolutely delicious, though it made me feel dirty inside and out. 🙂

Tuesday night my friend Jenn and I went to the Mash Tun to catch up, and got sucked into watching the CNN coverage of the midterm election results. At about 9pm PST it seems clear the Democrats had won the House of Representatives, though I was not optimistic that they'd take the Senate as well. However as things turned out, they did. And well, let's say I'm pleasantly surprised.

On Thursday I met Snooks at the Horse Brass Pub for dinner and beers. While there I tried something new, a special beer (presumably for the place) by the New Old Lompoc Brewery, called the Horse Brass Bitter. It was quite tasty, slightly hoppy but not like an IPA, and was light in color.

Like I said, what a busy week.

Beer Entertainment General Humor Movies Music

HalloBirthdayWeen 2006

Had a great birthday / Halloween party this Saturday. My lovely wife Kelly invited my friends over, and secretly invited them to dress up for Halloween without my knowledge. I had known about the party, but only learned of the costume part on my birthday when Kelly gave me a Black Knight costume (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail). The party was loads of fun, and pretty much everybody dressed up. Special costume mentions go to Ghost Dog for his Space Ghost costume, Snooks (and his gf) for the zombie ickiness, and Ean for his pimp outfit. See the photo site for more pics. Thanks everybody! (NOTE: Posted late, because well, I was none too well on Sunday, and have been busy with work since.)

Beer Entertainment General

Birth day followup

Followup to yesterday's post, I had a very nice birthday. I Worked a half-day, and after leaving the office at around 1:30pm I wandered up to Powells Books to look for new books to read, and picked up the first book of the "Ender's" series Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, a series my brother Travis has been reading (and talking a lot about). After that I hopped the MAX out to Hillsboro to meet Kelly, and later out to my folks place for the usual co-birthday dinner (my father and I share the same birthday). Chicken, mashed potatoes, and a pumpkin pie slice too many later, Kelly and I headed home, stopping at Moon & Sixpence for a pint on the way.

I took today and tomorrow off from work (had a few vacation days to burn, figured I'd make a long weekend out of it), and spent the day taking care of all sorts of things around the house, including some much needed yard work. Tonight Travis and I went out to Moon & Sixpence (yup, again, not that I mind, I love that pub) for dinner and beers. Tomorrow will be another day chock full of yard and house work. Hooray! 🙂