As of today, my office has Guinness on tap! The keg arrived on Monday, but due to the multitude of bits that the company needed to track down to go from the common CO2 keg to the Nitro-driven, European-fitted Guinness keg, the assembly was delayed. However, today it was all assembled and shortly after 5pm I was pouring myself a pint of Guinness at the office. Sweet!
I did a bit of pouring training for a few coworkers (pour 3/4's the way full, let settle for a minute, then press the tap handle back to top off slowly). Though I realized later that the training wasn't quite right… I'm used to seeing the 'sloppy' method which is to set the glass down on the tray and pour straight down to the 3/4 point… where you're supposed to hold the glass at a 45 degree angle… only the 'top off' of the last 1/4 is poured straight down. Damn!
Fearing I may have lost some beer nerd cred, I'm going to (time-permitting) assemble a nice, easy to read 'how-to' sheet to put next to the tap tomorrow. We're throwing a company happy hour on Friday, and I thought it'd be a nice touch for those who are used to just pouring the glass full in one go.