Beer General

Bowling, Beer, and More Beer

Yesterday, my company had a "team building" event at Hollywood Bowl (no, not that one, a local bowling alley). We all left the office at 1:45, and by 2:15 I was trying my best not to suck… it'd been several years since I last bowled. Pretty fun time really, my first game I scored a sad 97, second game I only marginally improved and scored a 119, however during the second game and the ensuing free-for-all after formal teams disintegrated, I was hitting more and more strikes. I still suck, but it was fun. After bowling I met up with my brother up the street at Moon & Sixpence for a few beers before going home. 

Tonight, Ghost Dog had arranged a small dinner outing with friends at the Rogue brewpub in north-west Portland. Had a great time, and sampled some more of the Rogue beers (including the Chipotle Ale, which, while odd to have a pepper-flavored beer, it was actually very good). Thanks for hooking that up GD!

Entertainment Music

Decemberists (with a demon)

Tonight my good friend Miranda and I went to McMenamins Crystal Ballroom to see The Demberists perform, on the first night of their tour supporting their latest album The Crane Wife. It was a really good show. I have no photos because I was cautious and didn't bring my camera (figuring it wouldn't be allowed) and, of course, I could have. Sheesh!

The opening band, Lavender Diamond, was quite odd. The female singer was very cute, though quite quirky and Miranda and I suspected she was either drunk, high, or little insane. But cute. Musically it wasn't anything I'd write home about (well, I guess I am blogging about it), it might be nice background music. Between songs the singer would congratulate the audience for world peace, talk about holograms, and romance. "Romance, peace, and particles! Yay!" (uhh)

Decemberists played an excellent show, naturally weighted strongly towards the songs from their latest album, though they did play a lot of tracks from their earlier albums. Most notably was an excellent performance of Military Wives. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't play a few songs though (such as The Mariner's Revenge Song, and Eli, The Barrow Boy) but, it was a great show.

Regarding my subject line (related to an earlier post) Lisa Molinaro was fantastic, and it was a joy to see her perform with Decemberists. Most notable was her versatility. Unlike her work with Talkdemonic where she plays violin almost exclusively, tonight she also played guitar, banjo, keyboards, xylophone, accordion, and sang (all of the backup and harmony vocals). She was fantastic, and it was great to see her shine. Colin Meloy (lead singer of The Decemberists) was very gracious and introduced her and congratulated her several times. Fantastic! Go Lisa! And have a great tour! 🙂  

Entertainment Movies Science

Well darn it anyway

Yeah, I know, two posts in one night. Well, there's a good reason. Just after I finished writing the last post, I get a call from K. As part of her job at CompuHyperGlobalMegaNet (as GhostDog would say, and yeah, same place) she was invited to a VIP event tonight to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The reason being, her employer is a sponsor of a very cool exhibit, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination… where they have all sorts of Star Wars things on display, fun games, etc, all related to the real-life science in science-fiction.

She had called me at my work at about 4:30pm as she was on her way, saying how she'd just learned that spouses / significant others were invited to this private event (food and drink supplied). Since I'd learned this so late in the day (and had my heart set on getting some of the previously mentioned painting done) I declined and told her to have fun. Also, we'd already planned to go about a month from now, when the event would be open to the public, so I thought "eh, sounds kind of boring".

Well, I just got a call from her, she said she was having a blast, that there were all sorts of people in costume, and to check my email. I got the photo to the left from a coworker's camera-phone. Dammit! And here I was, painting the stupid fence. Argh!


Sgt. Slacker

Yup, that's right, I've been slacking on the blog. No shocker there I suppose. Between my job keeping me plenty busy the past couple weeks, and the sudden urge to take care of chores around the house (before winter sets in), I haven't really had much too much to write about, nor the time to do so.

One of the big chores I've finally gotten around to is painting the front picket fence. When K and I purchased the house a year ago June, the fence was a mess. The previous owner must have been going through some serious indecision about color. Originally it was white, but at the front it was painted (very poorly I might add) a dark green, and about mid-way down one side, there was a patch painted that same dark green, and then painted over in a more 'olive' green that matched the trim of the house. But only a five foot patch. It's been bugging K and I for a long time, but there have been so many other things to get done that I never got around to painting it.

Finally this past Saturday I picked up some paint (matching the trim) and began painting. This evening I was able to get the outside of the one side done. There's lots left to do (second coat, the inside, and then sand and paint the front) and then it'll be done. At least now, from the outside, it's only two colors and not three. I'll probably post a photo once I get it done, but for now you can go here to see what it looked like before we bought the house. 

Beer Entertainment General Humor Movies Television

Bruce Campbell Book Signing

Boy, what a day! A few days back, Ghost Dog's better half discovered that on Saturday, September 30th, actor, writer, and all-around wise guy Bruce Campbell would be in town, at the McMenamin's Bagdad Theater doing a book signing for Make Love! (The Bruce Campbell Way). Naturally, Ghost Dog and I were eager to attend.

The three of us arrived just after the doors opened at 4pm, narrowly missing a very long line (and seeing Miranda on the way, who works just across the street). Once inside, we waited patiently for the 5pm arrival of the man. I'd never been in the theater before, but I'd love to go back to see a movie, have some beers, and eat some pizza.

When Mr. Campbell arrived, there was thunderous applause from the full theater. After taking the stage, he spoke for a short time, and then said that since he didn't have anything planned, he opened things up to a Q&A session, which was hilarious (see Ghost Dog's write-up for more details). As you would expect, he's as snarky and witty in person as the characters he plays.

After the Q&A session, Bruce left the stage and went back to the lobby to start signing, and the waiting began. It took about an hour and a half to get our numbers called to get into line, and another 30 minutes in the line, before finally, I got to meet the man. As I walked up to the table he was sitting at, he said "Hello Sir!" While I handed him my books he asked what I did for a living. I told him "A web designer and developer" to which he responded "That sounds like a very sensible job in this modern age." Perhaps. 🙂  After I thanked him, I stood back and took a couple photos of Mr. & Mrs. Ghost Dog getting their book signed, and then we left. How totally cool!

After we left we went to the Horse Brass for dinner and beers, and then to Moon & Sixpence for more beers. What a kiler evening! To the right is one of the two books I got autographed. For the other, I'd chosen to use just my last name, which for any of you who know it, know is rather long. Bruce looked at it and went "[slowly reads last name] eh? That's one heck-of-a name." and proceeded to write it out seperately, one line for each syllable. Sweet! 🙂 

(Post-dated, originally written on October 3rd, because I'm a slacker. :))